[Python-Dev] Bootstrap script for package management tool in Python 2.7 (Was: Re: At least one package management tool for 2.7)

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Mon Mar 29 15:52:39 CEST 2010

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> So, there won't be any package management tool shipped with Python 2.7
> and users will have to download and install `setuptools` manually as
> before:
>   "search" -> "download" -> "unzip" -> "cmd" -> "cd" -> "python
> setup.py install"
> Therefore I still propose shipping bootstrap package that instruct
> user how to download and install an actual package  management tool
> when users tries to use it. So far I know only one stable tool -
> `easy_install` - a part of `setuptools` package.
> The required behavior for very basic user friendliness:
> 1. user installs Python 2.7
> 2. user issues `python -m easy_install something`
> 3. user gets message
> 'easy_install' tool is not installed on this system. To make it
> available, download and install `setuptools` package from
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools/
> 4. the screen is paused before exit (for windows systems)
> Other design notes:
> 1. if package tries to import `easy_install` module used for
> bootstrap, it gets the same ImportException as if there were no
> `easy_install` at all
> 2. bootstrap module is overwritten by actual package when users installs it
> So, do we need a PEP for that? How else can I know if consensus is
> reached? Anybody is willing to elaborate on implementation?
> P.S. Please be careful to reply to relevant lists

An even lighter option would be to add an item to pythons 'help' feature.

Currently help("PACKAGES") == help("import")

It may be enough at this time to add a "PACKAGES" help entry that gives an 
overview of packages and hints on installing them.  Then "import" can be a 
related help topic for "PACKAGES".


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