[Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon May 3 17:57:52 CEST 2010

On May 01, 2010, at 07:12 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

>> IIRC in the IETF this is done by the committee chair. I think it's a
>> good idea to have this be a single person to avoid endless indecision.
>It then seems that this role should go to the release manager of the
>upcoming feature release. Assuming Georg can accept this additional

I do think it makes sense for the RM to assume these responsibilities where
Guido either can't or doesn't want to make the final decision.  I think it
will fairly substantially increase the workload on the RM, so perhaps there
are ways to off-load some of the current responsibilities (e.g. updating the
website for each release).  I also think that RMs should be term-limited so
that we can spread more experience within the community.  And past-RMs can
provide a sort of consultation group where contentious decisions can be
discussed and advice gathered.

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