[Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Sat May 29 14:46:28 CEST 2010

On May 28, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 29/05/10 10:19, Jesse Noller wrote:
>>> In my opinion, it is high time for the std lib to pay more  
>>> attention to
>>> the final Zen:
>>> Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
>> Yes, your suggestion for how to move things is the way we would  
>> want to
>> do it, and in the back of my head, what we should do long term - just
>> not right now.
> Yep, this is what I have been saying as well.
> 1. Using concurrency.futures rather than a top level futures module  
> resolves the potential confusion with __future__ and stock market  
> futures without inventing our own name for a well established  
> computer science concept.
> 2. With the concurrency package in place following PEP 3148, we can  
> separately consider the question of if/when/how to move other  
> concurrency related modules (e.g. threading, multiprocessing, Queue)  
> into that package at a later date.
> Since this topic keeps coming up, some reasoning along these lines  
> should go into PEP 3148.

I'll type something up this weekend and shoot it to Brian for  
inclusion. I was hoping to be able to keep it out of the futures pep  
itself, but it seems that won't work :)


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