[Python-Dev] Implementing PEP 382, Namespace Packages

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Sat May 29 15:52:02 CEST 2010

Last night Barry Warsaw, Jason Coombs, and I met to work on implementing 
PEP 382. As part of my research, I came across this email from Martin:

In it he says that PEP 382 is being deferred until it can address PEP 
302 loaders. I can't find any follow-up to this. I don't see any 
discussion in PEP 382 about PEP 302 loaders, so I assume this issue was 
never resolved. Does it need to be before PEP 382 is implemented? Are we 
wasting our time by designing and (eventually) coding before this issue 
is resolved?


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