[Python-Dev] On breaking modules into packages Was: [issue10199] Move Demo/turtle under Lib/
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Nov 3 01:02:37 CET 2010
On 02/11/2010 23:34, Michael Foord wrote:
> On 02/11/2010 23:00, Brett Cannon wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 15:47, Raymond Hettinger
>> <raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Nov 1, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
>>> I think the issue here is that the file structure of the code no
>>> longer matches the public API documented by unittest. Personally I,
>>> like most people it seems, prefer source files to be structured in a
>>> way to match the public API. In the case of unittest Michael didn't.
>>> He did ask python-dev if it was okay to do what he did, we all kept
>>> quiet, and now we have realized that most of us prefer to have files
>>> that mirror the API; lesson learned. But Python 2.7 shipped with this
>>> file layout so we have to stick with it lest we break any imports out
>>> there that use the package-like file structure Michael went with
>>> (which we could actually document and use if we wanted now that
>>> Michael has already broken things up). Reversing the trend by sticking
>>> all the code into unittest/__init__.py and then sticking import shims
>>> into the existing modules would be a stupid waste of time, especially
>>> considering the head maintainer of the package likes it the way it is.
>>> I'm not sure I follow where we're stuck with the current package.
>>> AFAICT, the module is still used with "import unittest".
>> Yes, as far as you can tell, but who the hell knows what someone is
>> doing with code you are *not* aware of. As I said, Python 2.7 shipped
>> with the code structured like this, so it's possible someone is
>> importing unittest.case.TestCase instead of unittest.TestCase.
> It is also shipped in unittest (and unittest2py3k I might add) so that
> users of earlier versions of Python can use the new features
> seamlessly. (unittest2 will be in Django 1.3.)
unittest2 dammit.
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