[Python-Dev] *** glibc detected *** gdb: malloc(): smallbin double linked list

Daniel Fetchinson fetchinson at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 5 19:57:08 CET 2010

> Hi,
> I've compiled
> Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Nov  2 2010, 09:00:37)
> [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
> with the following configure options
> ./configure --prefix=/home/john/local/python-dbg --with-pydebug
> I've installed numpy and some other packages but when I try to run my
> extension code under gdb I get the errors below. Does anyone have any
> ideas of how to track down what's happening here? I imagine I've
> misconfigured something somewhere. Is valgrind the answer?
> Thanks,
> John.

Hi John, the right place for asking such questions is the python
mailing list python-list at python.org, please see

This python-dev list is for the development *of* python and not
development *with* python. For the latter python-list is the
appropriate forum.


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