[Python-Dev] GUI test runner tool
Michael Foord
michael at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Nov 8 13:09:42 CET 2010
Hello all,
Now that unittest has test discovery, Mark Roddy has been working on
resurrecting the old GUI test runner (using Tkinter):
This was part of the original pyunit project but I believe it was never
part of the standard library:
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
I'd like to propose adding it to Python in Tools/ and am volunteering to
maintain it. If the answer is "not yet" that is fine as it can go into
unittest2 first. Mark has updated it to work with test discovery and
added support for configuring test discovery in the same way as you can
from the command line. It is a nice tool for those new to writing tests
who aren't yet familiar with the command line or prefer a GUI.
In its basic form you simply pick a directory and unittestgui will
discover and run all the tests it finds. It would be nice if it provided
more diagnostic information on tests it ran (clicking through test
results) but these can be added later.
All the best,
Michael Foord
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