[Python-Dev] Buildbot for AIX

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Nov 8 18:50:32 CET 2010

Le lundi 08 novembre 2010 à 18:46 +0100, Sébastien Sablé a écrit :
> xlc: 1501-216 (W) command option - -qmaxmem=18000 is not recognized - 
> passed to ld

Is -qmaxmem really necessary to build Python?
If so, you could try passing it in CFLAGS.

> However running 2 different slaves per host in order to distinguish xlc 
> and gcc would be OK; though I would appreciate if they could run 
> sequentially rather than in parallel as that would limit the host load.

If there are two separate slaves, I can't think of any simple way to run
builds sequentially. Perhaps you can assign both of them to a single CPU
(assuming AIX allows that).



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