[Python-Dev] GUI test runner tool
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Nov 9 13:17:13 CET 2010
On 08/11/2010 19:28, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Michael Foord<michael at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> ..
>> I'd like to propose adding [unittestgui] to Python in Tools/ and am volunteering to
>> maintain it.
> Why not adding it under Lib/unittest/?
I really don't want to make Tk a dependency for unittest itself. :-)
I also don't want a GUI test runner to in any way be part of the *api*
of unittest...
> I think Tools/ is a less
> attractive location for most users than say PyPI or some other package
> repository. Tools/ is for stuff that is primarily of interest to
> python developers, not python users. OS vendors are less likely to
> install packages in Tools/ in a user-visible place than they are a
> popular 3rd-party package.
Well, there's always Demos/. ;-)
I realise that putting it in Tools/ means that distros will probably
have to make a conscious decision to package it. unittest2 will install
it as a script. I don't think the gui runner belongs in Demos/, so
Tools/ is the logical choice for including in core-Python. As Raymond
says we can point to it in the docs. (The gui test runner is merely a
convenience / beginners tool - so pointing to more "production suitable"
tools like Hudson would also be good.)
I was looking to see what else was in Tools/ that was distributed with
Python, but I don't *think* the Mac distribution includes them at all.
(freeze is in the Tools/ directory of the repo and is an 'end user' tool
rather than core-developer tool.) The Mac distribution does put a bunch
of stuff in the Python 'bin' directory, and ideally it would go there.
All the best,
Michael Foord
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