[Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Python tracker
status at bugs.python.org
Fri Nov 12 18:07:02 CET 2010
ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-11-05 - 2010-11-12)
Python tracker at http://bugs.python.org/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue.
Do NOT respond to this message.
Issues counts and deltas:
open 2526 (+12)
closed 19651 (+54)
total 22177 (+66)
Open issues with patches: 1050
Issues opened (47)
#9313: distutils error on MSVC older than 8
http://bugs.python.org/issue9313 reopened by eric.araujo
#10252: Fix resource warnings in distutils
http://bugs.python.org/issue10252 reopened by eric.araujo
#10329: trace.py and unicode in Python 3
http://bugs.python.org/issue10329 reopened by belopolsky
#10332: Multiprocessing maxtasksperchild results in hang
http://bugs.python.org/issue10332 opened by Jimbofbx
#10333: Remove ancient backwards compatibility GC API
http://bugs.python.org/issue10333 opened by nascheme
#10336: test_xmlrpc fails if gzip is not supported by client
http://bugs.python.org/issue10336 opened by ocean-city
#10338: test_lib2to3 failure on buildbot x86 debian parallel 3.x: node
http://bugs.python.org/issue10338 opened by haypo
#10339: test_lib2to3 leaks
http://bugs.python.org/issue10339 opened by pitrou
#10340: asyncore doesn't properly handle EINVAL on OSX
http://bugs.python.org/issue10340 opened by giampaolo.rodola
#10342: trace module cannot produce coverage reports for zipped module
http://bugs.python.org/issue10342 opened by belopolsky
#10344: codecs.readline doesn't care buffering=0
http://bugs.python.org/issue10344 opened by Santiago.Piccinini
#10348: multiprocessing: use SysV semaphores on FreeBSD
http://bugs.python.org/issue10348 opened by haypo
#10349: Error in Module/python.c when building on OpenBSD 4.8
http://bugs.python.org/issue10349 opened by pgurumur
#10350: errno is read too late
http://bugs.python.org/issue10350 opened by hfuru
#10351: Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries
http://bugs.python.org/issue10351 opened by Valery.Khamenya
#10354: tempfile.template is broken
http://bugs.python.org/issue10354 opened by giampaolo.rodola
#10355: SpooledTemporaryFile's name property is broken
http://bugs.python.org/issue10355 opened by giampaolo.rodola
#10356: decimal.py: hash of -1
http://bugs.python.org/issue10356 opened by skrah
#10357: ** and "mapping" are poorly defined in python docs
http://bugs.python.org/issue10357 opened by Fergal.Daly
#10358: Doc styles for print should only use dark colors
http://bugs.python.org/issue10358 opened by fdrake
#10359: ISO C cleanup
http://bugs.python.org/issue10359 opened by hfuru
#10360: _weakrefset.WeakSet.__contains__ should not propagate TypeErro
http://bugs.python.org/issue10360 opened by tseaver
#10362: AttributeError: addinfourl instance has no attribute 'tell'
http://bugs.python.org/issue10362 opened by Valentin.Lorentz
#10363: Embedded python, handle (memory) leak
http://bugs.python.org/issue10363 opened by martind
#10364: Color coding fails after running program.
http://bugs.python.org/issue10364 opened by Typo
#10365: IDLE Crashes on File Open Dialog when code window closed befor
http://bugs.python.org/issue10365 opened by william.barr
#10366: Remove unneeded '(object)' from 3.x class examples
http://bugs.python.org/issue10366 opened by terry.reedy
#10367: "python setup.py sdist upload --show-response" can fail with "
http://bugs.python.org/issue10367 opened by jcea
#10369: tarfile requires an actual file on disc; a file-like object is
http://bugs.python.org/issue10369 opened by strombrg
#10371: Deprecate trace module undocumented API
http://bugs.python.org/issue10371 opened by belopolsky
#10373: Setup Script example incorrect
http://bugs.python.org/issue10373 opened by lensart
#10374: setup.py caches outdated scripts in the build tree
http://bugs.python.org/issue10374 opened by gjb1002
#10375: 2to3 print(single argument)
http://bugs.python.org/issue10375 opened by hfuru
#10376: ZipFile unzip is unbuffered
http://bugs.python.org/issue10376 opened by Jimbofbx
#10377: cProfile incorrectly labels its output
http://bugs.python.org/issue10377 opened by exarkun
#10379: locale.format() input regression
http://bugs.python.org/issue10379 opened by barry
#10381: Add timezone support to datetime C API
http://bugs.python.org/issue10381 opened by belopolsky
#10382: Command line error marker misplaced on unicode entry
http://bugs.python.org/issue10382 opened by belopolsky
#10383: test_os leaks under Windows
http://bugs.python.org/issue10383 opened by pitrou
#10384: SyntaxError should contain exact location of the invalid chara
http://bugs.python.org/issue10384 opened by belopolsky
#10385: Mark up "subprocess" as module in its doc
http://bugs.python.org/issue10385 opened by belopolsky
#10388: spwd returning different value depending on privileges
http://bugs.python.org/issue10388 opened by giampaolo.rodola
#10391: obj2ast's error handling can lead to python crashing with a C-
http://bugs.python.org/issue10391 opened by dmalcolm
#10392: GZipFile crash when fileobj.mode is None
http://bugs.python.org/issue10392 opened by bgreenlee
#10394: subprocess Popen deadlock
http://bugs.python.org/issue10394 opened by Christoph.Mathys
#10395: os.path.commonprefix broken by design
http://bugs.python.org/issue10395 opened by ronaldoussoren
#10345: fcntl.ioctl always fails claiming an invalid fd
http://bugs.python.org/issue10345 opened by bgamari
Most recent 15 issues with no replies (15)
#10394: subprocess Popen deadlock
#10392: GZipFile crash when fileobj.mode is None
#10388: spwd returning different value depending on privileges
#10384: SyntaxError should contain exact location of the invalid chara
#10381: Add timezone support to datetime C API
#10377: cProfile incorrectly labels its output
#10375: 2to3 print(single argument)
#10373: Setup Script example incorrect
#10350: errno is read too late
#10339: test_lib2to3 leaks
#10338: test_lib2to3 failure on buildbot x86 debian parallel 3.x: node
#10332: Multiprocessing maxtasksperchild results in hang
#10320: printf %qd is nonstandard
#10310: signed:1 bitfields rarely make sense
#10309: dlmalloc.c needs _GNU_SOURCE for mremap()
Most recent 15 issues waiting for review (15)
#10392: GZipFile crash when fileobj.mode is None
#10391: obj2ast's error handling can lead to python crashing with a C-
#10385: Mark up "subprocess" as module in its doc
#10382: Command line error marker misplaced on unicode entry
#10371: Deprecate trace module undocumented API
#10369: tarfile requires an actual file on disc; a file-like object is
#10360: _weakrefset.WeakSet.__contains__ should not propagate TypeErro
#10359: ISO C cleanup
#10356: decimal.py: hash of -1
#10354: tempfile.template is broken
#10351: Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries
#10350: errno is read too late
#10342: trace module cannot produce coverage reports for zipped module
#10340: asyncore doesn't properly handle EINVAL on OSX
#10329: trace.py and unicode in Python 3
Top 10 most discussed issues (10)
#10329: trace.py and unicode in Python 3
http://bugs.python.org/issue10329 11 msgs
#7061: Improve turtle module documentation
http://bugs.python.org/issue7061 9 msgs
#10354: tempfile.template is broken
http://bugs.python.org/issue10354 9 msgs
#10359: ISO C cleanup
http://bugs.python.org/issue10359 9 msgs
#10379: locale.format() input regression
http://bugs.python.org/issue10379 9 msgs
#10325: PY_LLONG_MAX & co - preprocessor constants or not?
http://bugs.python.org/issue10325 8 msgs
#5412: extend configparser to support mapping access(__*item__)
http://bugs.python.org/issue5412 7 msgs
#10252: Fix resource warnings in distutils
http://bugs.python.org/issue10252 7 msgs
#10349: Error in Module/python.c when building on OpenBSD 4.8
http://bugs.python.org/issue10349 7 msgs
#10364: Color coding fails after running program.
http://bugs.python.org/issue10364 7 msgs
Issues closed (51)
#1602: windows console doesn't print utf8 (Py30a2)
http://bugs.python.org/issue1602 closed by haypo
#1926: NNTPS support in nntplib
http://bugs.python.org/issue1926 closed by pitrou
#6058: Add cp65001 to encodings/aliases.py
http://bugs.python.org/issue6058 closed by haypo
#6226: Inconsistent 'file' vs 'stream' kwarg in pprint, other stdlibs
http://bugs.python.org/issue6226 closed by eric.araujo
#6317: winsound.PlaySound doesn't accept non-unicode string
http://bugs.python.org/issue6317 closed by ocean-city
#8634: get method for dbm interface
http://bugs.python.org/issue8634 closed by eric.araujo
#8679: write a distutils to distutils2 converter
http://bugs.python.org/issue8679 closed by eric.araujo
#8804: http.client should support SSL contexts
http://bugs.python.org/issue8804 closed by pitrou
#9421: configparser.ConfigParser's getint, getboolean and getfloat do
http://bugs.python.org/issue9421 closed by lukasz.langa
#9508: python3.2 reversal of distutils reintrocud macos9 support
http://bugs.python.org/issue9508 closed by eric.araujo
#10008: Two links point to same place
http://bugs.python.org/issue10008 closed by georg.brandl
#10022: Emit more information in decoded SSL certificates
http://bugs.python.org/issue10022 closed by pitrou
#10145: float.is_integer is undocumented
http://bugs.python.org/issue10145 closed by mark.dickinson
#10180: File objects should not pickleable
http://bugs.python.org/issue10180 closed by pitrou
#10226: urlparse example is wrong
http://bugs.python.org/issue10226 closed by orsenthil
#10229: Refleak run of test_gettext fails
http://bugs.python.org/issue10229 closed by eric.araujo
#10232: Tkinter issues with Scrollbar and custom widget list
http://bugs.python.org/issue10232 closed by terry.reedy
#10245: Fix resource warnings in test_telnetlib
http://bugs.python.org/issue10245 closed by orsenthil
#10282: IMPLEMENTATION token differently delt with in NNTP capability
http://bugs.python.org/issue10282 closed by pitrou
#10297: decimal module documentation is misguiding
http://bugs.python.org/issue10297 closed by mark.dickinson
#10302: Add class-functions to hash many small objects with hashlib
http://bugs.python.org/issue10302 closed by gregory.p.smith
#10303: small inconsistency in tutorial
http://bugs.python.org/issue10303 closed by orsenthil
#10304: error in tutorial triple-string example
http://bugs.python.org/issue10304 closed by terry.reedy
#10311: Signal handlers must preserve errno
http://bugs.python.org/issue10311 closed by pitrou
#10321: Add support for Message objects and binary data to smtplib.sen
http://bugs.python.org/issue10321 closed by r.david.murray
#10324: Modules/binascii.c: simplify expressions
http://bugs.python.org/issue10324 closed by orsenthil
#10327: Abnormal SSL timeouts when using socket timeouts - once again
http://bugs.python.org/issue10327 closed by pakal
#10330: trace module doesn't work without threads
http://bugs.python.org/issue10330 closed by belopolsky
#10331: test_gdb failure when warnings printed out
http://bugs.python.org/issue10331 closed by dmalcolm
#10334: Add new reST directive for links to source code
http://bugs.python.org/issue10334 closed by georg.brandl
#10335: tokenize.open(): open a file with encoding detected from a cod
http://bugs.python.org/issue10335 closed by haypo
#10337: testTanh() of test_math fails on "NetBSD 5 i386 3.x"
http://bugs.python.org/issue10337 closed by haypo
#10341: Remove traces of setuptools
http://bugs.python.org/issue10341 closed by eric.araujo
#10343: urllib.parse problems with bytes vs str
http://bugs.python.org/issue10343 closed by r.david.murray
#10346: strange arithmetic behaviour
http://bugs.python.org/issue10346 closed by mark.dickinson
#10347: regrtest progress counter makes -f option less useful
http://bugs.python.org/issue10347 closed by pitrou
#10352: rlcompleter.py has no tests in trunk
http://bugs.python.org/issue10352 closed by georg.brandl
#10353: 2to3 and places argument in unitests assertAlmostEqual
http://bugs.python.org/issue10353 closed by r.david.murray
#10361: Fix issue 9995 - distutils forces developers to store password
http://bugs.python.org/issue10361 closed by eric.araujo
#10368: "python setup.py sdist upload --show-response" fails
http://bugs.python.org/issue10368 closed by eric.araujo
#10370: py3 readlines() reports wrong offset for UnicodeDecodeError
http://bugs.python.org/issue10370 closed by haypo
#10372: [REGRESSION] test_gc fails in non-debug mode.
http://bugs.python.org/issue10372 closed by pitrou
#10378: Typo in results of help(divmod)
http://bugs.python.org/issue10378 closed by benjamin.peterson
#10380: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'exc_tracebac
http://bugs.python.org/issue10380 closed by georg.brandl
#10386: token module should define __all__
http://bugs.python.org/issue10386 closed by belopolsky
#10387: ConfigParser's getboolean method is broken
http://bugs.python.org/issue10387 closed by lukasz.langa
#10389: Document rules for use of case in section titles
http://bugs.python.org/issue10389 closed by belopolsky
#10390: json.load should handle bytes input
http://bugs.python.org/issue10390 closed by r.david.murray
#10393: "with" statement isn't thread-safe
http://bugs.python.org/issue10393 closed by amaury.forgeotdarc
#1466065: base64 module ignores non-alphabet characters
http://bugs.python.org/issue1466065 closed by r.david.murray
#962772: when both maintainer and author provided, author discarded
http://bugs.python.org/issue962772 closed by tarek
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