[Python-Dev] Re-enable warnings in regrtest and/or unittest
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Nov 22 18:45:58 CET 2010
On 22/11/2010 17:35, Łukasz Langa wrote:
> Am 22.11.2010 18:14, schrieb Ezio Melotti:
>> I would like to re-enable by default warnings for regrtest and/or
>> unittest.
> +1
> Especially in regrtest it could help manage stdlib quality (currently
> we have a horde of ResourceWarnings, zipfile mostly). I would even be
> +1 on making warnings errors for regrtest but that seems to be
> unpopular on #python-dev.
Enabling it for regrtest makes sense. For unittest I still think it is a
choice that should be left to developers.
> Best regards,
> Łukasz Langa
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