[Python-Dev] Re-enable warnings in regrtest and/or unittest

Nadeem Vawda nadeem.vawda at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 13:15:18 CET 2010

2010/11/23 Ɓukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl>:
> If you agree to do that for regrtest I will clean up the tests for warnings.
> Already did that for zipfile so it doesn't raise ResourceWarnings anymore. I
> just need to correct multiprocessing and xmlrpc ResourceWarnings, silence
> some DeprecationWarnings in the tests and we're all set. Ah, I see a couple
> more with -uall but nothing scary.

There are also some in test_socket - I've submitted a patch on
Roundup: http://bugs.python.org/issue10512

Looking at the multiprocessing warnings, they seem to be caused by
leaks in the underlying package, unlike xmlrpc and socket, where it's
just a matter of the test code neglecting to close the connection.  So
+1 to:

> Anyway, I find warnings as errors in regrtest a welcome feature. Let's make
> it happen :)


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