[Python-Dev] constant/enum type in stdlib
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sun Nov 28 18:16:21 CET 2010
On 28/11/2010 17:05, Michael Foord wrote:
> [snip...]
> It is sensible if flag values are only powers of 2; we could enforce
> that or not... (Another one for the optional feature list.)
Another 'optional' feature I omitted was Phillip J. Eby's suggestion /
requirement that named values be pickleable. Email is clunky for
handling this, is there enough support (there is still some objection
that is sure) to revive the PEP or create a new one?
I also didn't include Nick's suggested API, which is slightly different
from the one I suggested:
silly = Namegroup.from_names("Silly", "FOO", "BAR", "BAZ")
>>> silly.FOO
>>> int(silly.FOO)
>>> silly(0)
x = named_value("FOO", 1)
y = named_value("BAR", "Hello World!")
z = named_value("BAZ", dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))
set_named_values(globals(), foo=x._raw(), bar=y._raw(), baz=z._raw())
Where a named value created from an integer is an int subclass, from a
dict a dict subclass and so on.
> I forgot auto-enumeration (specifying names only and having values
> autogenerated) from the optional feature set by the way. I think
> Antoine strongly disapproves of this feature because it reminds him of
> C enums.
> Mark Dickinson thinks that the flags feature could be an optional
> feature too. If we have ORing it makes sense to have ANDing, so I
> guess they belong together. I think there is value in it though.
> I realise that the optional feature list is now not small, and
> implementing all of it would create the "franken-api" Nick is worried
> about. The minimal feature list is nicely small though and provides
> useful functionality.
> All the best,
> Michael
>> Grouped constants
>> ----------------
>> * Easy to create a group of named constants, accessible as attributes
>> on group object
>> * Capability to go from name or value to corresponding constants
>> Optional Features
>> ---------------
>> * Ability to dynamically add new named values to a group. (Suggested
>> by Guido)
>> * Ability to test if a name or value is in a group
>> * Ability to list all names in a group
>> * ANDing as well as ORing
>> * Constants are unique
>> * OR'ing with an integer will look up the name (or calculate it if
>> the int itself represents flags that have already been OR'd) and
>> return a named value (with useful repr) instead of just an integer
>> * Named constants be named values that can wrap *any* type and not
>> just immutable values. (Note that wrapping mutable types makes
>> providing "from_value" functionality harder *unless* we guarantee
>> that named values are unique. If they aren't unique named values for
>> a mutable type can have different values and there is no single
>> definition of what the named value actually is.)
>> Requiring that values only have one name - or alternatively that
>> values on a group could have multiple names (obviously incompatible
>> features).
>> * Requiring all names in a group to be of the same type
>> * Allow names to be set automatically in a namespace, for example in
>> a class namespace or on a module
>> * Allow subclassing and adding of new values only present in subclass
>> I'd rather we agree a suitable (minimal) API and feature set and go
>> to implementation from that.
>> For wrapping mutable types I'm tempted to say YAGNI. For the standard
>> library wrapping integers meets almost all our use-cases except for
>> one float. (At work we have a decimal constant as it happens.)
>> Perhaps we could require immutable types for groups but allow
>> arbitrary values for individual named values?
>> For the named values api:
>> name = NamedValue('name', value)
>> For the grouping (tentatively accepted as reasonable by Antoine):
>> Group = make_constants('Group', name1=value1, name2=value2)
>> name1, name2 = Group.name1, Group.name1
>> flag = name1 | name2
>> value = int(Group.name1)
>> name = Group('name1')
>> # alternatively: value = Group.from_name('name1')
>> name = Group.from_value(value1)
>> # Group(value1) could work only if values aren't strings
>> # perhaps: name = Group(value=value1)
>> Group.new_name = value3 # create new value on the group
>> names = Group.all_names()
>> # further bikeshedding on spelling of all_names required
>> # correspondingly 'all_values' I guess, returning the constants
>> themselves
>> Some of the optional features couldn't later be added without
>> backwards compatibility concerns (I think the type checking features
>> and requiring unique values for example). We should at least consider
>> these if we are to make adding them later difficult. I would be fine
>> with not having these features.
>> All the best,
>> Michael
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick.
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