[Python-Dev] maximum recursion depth exceeded in lib\pstats.py
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Oct 21 14:08:21 CEST 2010
On 21/10/2010 12:20, Adam Bielański wrote:
> Hi all,
> There's a bug in Python 2.6, module lib\pstats.py, line 150. I'm
> pretty sure, however that it also exists in other versions, as I don't
> think that profiler differs very much between them.
> Let me paste a little piece of surrounding code:
> class Stats:
> (....)
> def add(self, *arg_list):
> if not arg_list: return self
> if len(arg_list) > 1: self.add(*arg_list[1:]) #Line 150,
> the problem is right here!
> other = arg_list[0]
> (... do some processing with first item from arg_list ...)
> This is the code for adding profiling stats from multiple files (names
> are on arg_list) so that they can be displayed in cumulated and
> readable form.
> As you can see it chops off the first item from the list and then uses
> recursion to process the rest of it. It's no wonder then that when you
> profiled a little too many function calls, you're bound to see
> RuntimeError with 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' message when you
> try using this. IMO this should be done with iteration instead, like:
> def add(self, *arg_list):
> if not arg_list: return self
> for other in arg_list: #Preserved variable name only for
> sake of comparison with previous snippet
> (... do some processing with each item from arg_list,
> merging results in some rightful manner ...)
Without looking at the details your diagnosis and suggested fix seem good.
Please raise an issue on the Python bug tracker - preferably with patch
and test.
All the best,
Michael Foord
> Kind regards,
> Adam Bielanski.
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