[Python-Dev] PEP 3149 accepted

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Sep 3 20:37:42 CEST 2010

On Sep 03, 2010, at 09:36 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:

>This is to let you all know that PEP 3149 is accepted.
>Benjamin and I decided that on the basis that
>* strong precedent is set with PEP 3147
>* it is not mutually exclusive with PEP 384; should PEP 384 become
>  widely accepted, its use can fade out again
>* it is a strictly optional feature
>Barry promised the code will go in before this weekend's alpha2, so
>that distributors can subject the new code to proper testing, should
>they choose to use PEP 3149 features.

Once again, thanks.  Committed in r84458.

You'll want to 'make distclean' and reconfigure your py3k tree.

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