[Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Sep 7 19:46:25 CEST 2010

"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> -1 on always using wchar_t as well. Python's default is UCS2 and the
>> stable ABI should not change that.
> It's not really Python's default. It is what configure.in does by
> default. Python's default, on Linux, is UCS-4.

No, the default is UCS2 on all platforms and in configure.in.

configure.in only uses UCS4 if it finds a TCL installation that
happens to use UCS4 - for some reason I don't know :-)

However, most Linux distros and more recently also some BSDs
have switched over to using UCS4 for their distribution versions
of Python.

>> I also think that this information is not relevant for the stable
>> ABI: Extensions that want to stick to the stable ABI should really
>> not have to know whether Py_UNICODE maps to wchar_t or not. If they
>> want to interface to a local whcar_t type they can use the conversion
>> APIs we have for that in the Unicode API: PyUnicode_FromWideChar()
>> and PyUnicode_AsWideChar().
> Ok. I'm fine with excluding Py_UNICODE from the stable ABI. However,
> I think in the long run, I guess more support for wchar_t will then
> be needed in the API, e.g. more convenient argument parsing.

Sure, we could add that.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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