[Python-Dev] Rework nntlib?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Sep 14 00:58:31 CEST 2010

On Sep 14, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

>  On 14/09/2010 11:17, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Like the email package, nntplib in py3k is broken (because of
>> various bytes/str mismatches; I suppose the lack of a test suite
>> didn't help when porting).
>> I would like to take the opportunity to improve the API a bit; no
>> heavy re-architecting, but simply a bunch of changes to make it
>> higher-level. Is it acceptable?
>> (and, yes, I would add a test suite)
>Given that backwards incompatible changes are likely to be unavoidable
>due to the bytes / str issue, taking the opportunity to cleanup and
>improve the API sounds great. Just a shame we didn't get to it for
>3.0, but thank you for picking this up.

A side benefit may be that Antoine finds some clever, useful, and more
generally applicable techniques for dealing with byte/strings in these
contexts.  That would be time well spent, and may transfer to work on the
email package too for example.

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