[Python-Dev] [Catalog-sig] egg_info in PyPI

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Sep 18 18:00:58 CEST 2010

> So you are fine with publishing "slightly incorrect" metadata at PyPI
> ? I am not.

I really have no intuition for in how many cases the data will be 
incorrect. However, if users find that the data is incorrect for 
specific package, they ought to complain to the maintainer.

> I don't understand the rational behind providing flawed data at PyPI.
> I am -1 on that.

-1 sounds much better than vetoing it :-) Taking the votes together,
I currently arrive at

Tarek -1
Michael -1 (?)
Jannis -1 (?)

Jim +1
Thomas +1

Any other opinions?


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