[Python-Dev] We should be using a tool for code reviews

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Sep 30 12:17:01 CEST 2010

Sorry for following up to myself, but this typo might be very

Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
 > Barry Warsaw writes:
 >  > You can have "co-located" branches[1] which essentially switch
 >  > in-place, so if a branch is changing some .c files, you won't have
 >  > to rebuild the whole world just to try out a patch.
 > In Mercurial these are called "named branches", and they are
 > repo-local (by which I mean they must be part of the DAG).  Named
 > branches used to have some inconvenient aspects relevant to standalone


 > branches (they could be fairly confusing to other users if pushed
 > before being merge to mainline).
 > It's not obvious to me that Mercurial style named branches would work
 > well here ... it would take a little thought to design an appropriate
 > workflow, anyway.
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