[Python-Dev] We should be using a tool for code reviews

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 19:19:12 CEST 2010

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM, geremy condra <debatem1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
>> On Sep 30, 2010, at 10:47 AM, Jesse Noller wrote:
>>>Not to mention; there's a lot to be learned from doing them on both
>>>sides. At work, I learn about chunks of code I might not have
>>>otherwise known about or approaches to a problem I'd never considered.
>>>I sort of drank the kool-aid.
>> Tools aside, I completely agree.
>> Many projects that I contribute to have policies such as "nothing lands
>> without reviewer approval".  For some that means one reviewer must approve it,
>> for others two +1s and no -1s, or a coding approval and a ui approval, etc.
>> When I was the review team lead on Launchpad, I had a goal that every
>> developer would also eventually be a reviewer.  We started with a small number
>> of experienced developers, then ran a mentor program to train new reviewers
>> (who we called "mentats").  A mentat approval was not enough to land a branch,
>> but the mentor could basically say "yes, i agree with the review" and it would
>> land.  Eventually, by mutual consent a mentat would graduate to full
>> reviewership (and hopefully be a mentor to new reviewers).
>> This was hugely successful among many dimensions.  It got everyone on the same
>> page as to coding standards, it equalized the playing field, it got everyone
>> to think collaboratively as a team, folks learned about parts of the system
>> they didn't have day-to-day intimate knowledge about, and it got changes
>> landed much more quickly.
>> Here are a few things we learned along the way.  Their applicability to Python
>> will vary of course, and we need to find what works for us.
>> * Keep branches *small*.  We had a limit of 800 lines of diff, with special
>>  explicit permission from the person reviewing your change to exceed.  800
>>  lines is about the maximum that a person can review in a reasonable amount
>>  of time without losing focus.
>> * The *goal* was 5 minutes review, but the reality was that most reviews took
>>  about 15-20 minutes.  If it's going longer, you weren't doing it right.
>>  This meant that there was a level of trust between the reviewer and the dev,
>>  so that the basic design had been previously discussed and agreed upon (we
>>  mandated pre-implementation chats), etc.  A reviewer was there to sanity
>>  check the implementation, watch for obvious mistakes, ensure test coverage
>>  for the new code, etc.  If you were questioning the basic design, you
>>  weren't doing a code review.  It was okay to reject a change quickly if you
>>  found fatal problems.
>> * The primary purpose of a code review was to learn and teach, and in a sense,
>>  the measurable increase in quality was a side-effect.  What I mean by that
>>  is that the review process cannot catch all bugs.  It can reduce them, but
>>  it's much more valuable to share expertise on how to do things.  E.g. "Did
>>  you know that if X happens, you won't be decref'ing Y?  We like to use goto
>>  statements to ensure that all objects are properly refcounted even in the
>>  case of exceptional conditions."  That's a teaching moment that happens to
>>  improve quality.
>> * Reviews are conversations, and it's a two way street.  Many times a dev
>>  pushed back on one of my suggestions, and we'd have weekly reviewer meetings
>>  to hash out coding standards differences.  E.g. Do you check for empty
>>  sequences with "if len(foo) == 0" or "if not foo"?  The team would make
>>  those decisions and you'd live by them even if you didn't agree.  It's also
>>  critical to document those decisions, and a wiki page style guide works very
>>  well (especially when you can point to PEP 8 as your basic style guide for
>>  example).
>> * Reviews are collaborations.  You're both there to get the code landed so
>>  work together, not at odds.  Try to reach consensus, and don't be afraid to
>>  compromise.  All code is ultimately owned by everyone and you never know who
>>  will have to read it 2 years from now, so keep things simple, clear, and
>>  well commented.  These are all aesthetics that a reviewer can help with.
>> * As a reviewer ASK QUESTIONS.  The best reviews were the ones that asked lots
>>  of questions, such as "have you thought about the race conditions this might
>>  introduce?" or "what happens when foo is None?"  A reviewer doesn't
>>  necessarily have to guess or work out every detail.  If you don't understand
>>  something, ask a question and move on.  Let the coder answer it to your
>>  satisfaction.  As a reviewer, once all your questions are answered, you know
>>  you can approve the change.
>> * Keep reviews fast, easy, and fun.  I think this is especially true for
>>  Python, where we're all volunteers.  Keeping it fast, easy, and fun greatly
>>  improves the odds that code will be reviewed for the good of the project.
>> * Have a dispute resolution process.  If a reviewer and coder can't agree,
>>  appeal to a higher authority.  As review team leader, I did occasionally
>>  have to break ties.
>> * Record the reviewer in the commit messages.  We had highly structured commit
>>  messages that included the reviewer name, e.g.
>>  % commit -m"[r=barry] Bug 12345; fix bad frobnification in Foo.bar()"
>>  thus recording in the revision history both the coder and the reviewer, so
>>  that we could always ask someone about the change.
>> * Don't let changes get stale.  We had a goal that changes would go from
>>  ready-to-code (i.e. design and implementation strategy have already been
>>  worked out) to landed in 2 days.  The longer a change goes before landing,
>>  the more stale it gets, the more conflicts you can have, and the less
>>  relevant the code becomes.
>> I know this sounds like a lot of process, but it really was fairly lightweight
>> in practice.  And that's the most important!  Keep things fast, easy, and fun
>> and it'll get done.  Also, these ideas evolved after 3 years of
>> experimentation with various approaches, so let it take some time to evolve.
>> And don't be so married to process that you're afraid to ditch steps that are
>> wasteful and don't contribute value to the project.
>> Certainly some of our techniques won't be relevant for Python.  For example,
>> we assigned people to do nothing but reviews for one day out of the week (we
>> call it "on-call reviewers").  This worked for us because team velocity was
>> much more important than individual velocity.  Even though at first blush, it
>> seemed like you personally were going to be 20% less productive, team
>> productivity skyrocketed because changes were landing much faster, with much
>> less waste built in.  This probably won't work for Python where our
>> involvement is not governed by paycheck, but by the whims of our real jobs and
>> life commitments.
> Extremely well put. Could this kind of process be put in place for the
> code sprints Jesse's interested in? Seems like an ideal testbed.
> Geremy Condra

We *should* encourage this within the Sprints docs/dev guide, etc.

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