[Python-Dev] Policy for making changes to the AST

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Apr 4 07:05:12 CEST 2011

On 4/2/2011 9:55 PM, Eugene Toder wrote:
>  Documentation for ast module does not warn about possible changes,

The current boxed warning at the top of the dis doc is fairly recent.
The ast doc should gain something similar.  It currently does say:
"__version__ which is the decimal Subversion revision number of the file 
shown below."
which clearly implies at ast details can change. I presume that sentence 
needs revision for hg.

 > but obviously changes
> can occur, for example, when new constructs are introduced. What about other
> changes? Is there a policy for what's acceptable and how this should be
> handled?

Thanks for bringing this up. We need to be able to make changes to 
improve compilation as well as to add new features.

Terry Jan Reedy

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