[Python-Dev] [GSoC] Developing a benchmark suite (for Python 3.x)

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 02:43:02 CEST 2011

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>wrote:

*some* good benchmarks in place (and the pypy ones are good ones).

Agreed. The PyPy ones are good.

> So I'm still with Jesse on this one. If there is any "discussion phase" as
> part of the Gsoc project it should be very strictly bounded by time.

I was simply going with what the abstract said.  I am fine with discussion
needing to be timely (a week?).  But it seems that from what you are saying,
just to be clear, "Point (2) Implementation" is also non-existent as the
PyPy benchmarks already exist.  If the point of the GSoC is to port the PyPy
benchmarks to Python 3, under "Point (3) Porting", might I suggest a slight
revision of the proposal ;)?

Be Well

> All the best,
> Michael
>  I actually agree with Micheal.  I think the onus of getting the
> benchmarks working on every platform is the
> onus of that interpreter's community.
>  The benchmarking framework that is being developed as part of GSoC should
> be agile enough to add and
> drop projects over time and be able to make certain tests as 'known
> failures', etc.
>  I don't think I am asking anything unreasonable here.  Especially, since
> at the end of the day the purview of
> projects like PyPy and Cython ("Make Python Faster") is the same.
>  Be Well
> Anthony
>> All the best,
>> Michael Foord
>>   Regards
>>> Antoine.
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