[Python-Dev] Why are there no 'set' and 'frozenset' types in the 'types' module?

haael haael at interia.pl
Mon Apr 25 20:12:47 CEST 2011

>>> Because there's no reason to include them, since they are already in
>>> the root (builtins) namespace.
>>> You'll notice that in Python 3, the "types" module only contains types
>>> which are not obviously accessed through easier means:
>> OK, makes sense, but in this case it would be handy to have some list of all
>> possible built-in types. I was just creating one and I nearly missed sets. If
>> an entry in 'types' module is too much, there should be some comprehensive
>> list in the documentation at least.
> Maybe this is what you're after?
>>>> pprint([t for t in object.__subclasses__() if t.__module__ == '__builtin__'])
> [<type 'type'>,
> <type 'weakref'>,
> <type 'weakcallableproxy'>,
> <type 'weakproxy'>,
> <type 'int'>,
> <type 'basestring'>,
> <type 'bytearray'>,
> <type 'list'>,
> <type 'NoneType'>,
> <type 'NotImplementedType'>,
> <type 'traceback'>,
> <type 'super'>,
> <type 'xrange'>,
> <type 'dict'>,
> <type 'set'>,
> <type 'slice'>,
> <type 'staticmethod'>,
> <type 'complex'>,
> <type 'float'>,
> <type 'buffer'>,
> <type 'long'>,
> <type 'frozenset'>,
> <type 'property'>,
> <type 'tuple'>,
> <type 'enumerate'>,
> <type 'reversed'>,
> <type 'code'>,
> <type 'frame'>,
> <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>,
> <type 'instancemethod'>,
> <type 'function'>,
> <type 'classobj'>,
> <type 'dictproxy'>,
> <type 'generator'>,
> <type 'getset_descriptor'>,
> <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>,
> <type 'instance'>,
> <type 'ellipsis'>,
> <type 'member_descriptor'>,
> <type 'EncodingMap'>,
> <type 'module'>,
> <type 'classmethod'>,
> <type 'file'>]
> Jean-Paul

Yes, something like that, but without abstract types like 'basestring'. If 
abstract types were OK, it would suffice to use 'object'.

The use case is designing protocols that export Python objects to outer world, 
'pickle' is an example. One needs to typecase through all built-in Python types 
and handle them in some way.

Nevertheless, my problem is solved. Thank you.

Bartosz Tarnowski

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