[Python-Dev] cpython (2.7): #11901: add description of how bitfields are laid out to hexversion docs

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue Apr 26 09:46:30 CEST 2011

On 25.04.2011 22:14, r.david.murray wrote:
> http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/48758cd0769b
> changeset:   69558:48758cd0769b
> branch:      2.7
> parent:      69545:e4fcfb8066ff
> user:        R David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com>
> date:        Mon Apr 25 16:10:18 2011 -0400
> summary:
>   #11901: add description of how bitfields are laid out to hexversion docs
> Patch by Sijin Joseph.
> files:
>   Doc/library/sys.rst |  24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   Misc/ACKS           |   1 +
>   2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Doc/library/sys.rst b/Doc/library/sys.rst
> --- a/Doc/library/sys.rst
> +++ b/Doc/library/sys.rst
> @@ -562,6 +562,30 @@
>     ``version_info`` value may be used for a more human-friendly encoding of the
>     same information.
> +   The ``hexversion`` is a 32-bit number with the following layout

Should have a colon at the end.

> +
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
> +   | bits (big endian order) | meaning                                        |

We usually have table headings capitalized.

> +   +=========================+================================================+
> +   | :const:`1-8`            |  ``PY_MAJOR_VERSION``  (the ``2`` in           |
> +   |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
> +   | :const:`9-16`           |  ``PY_MINOR_VERSION``  (the ``1`` in           |
> +   |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
> +   | :const:`17-24`          |  ``PY_MICRO_VERSION``  (the ``0`` in           |
> +   |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
> +   | :const:`25-28`          |  ``PY_RELEASE_LEVEL``  (``0xA`` for alpha,     |
> +   |                         |  ``0xB`` for beta, ``0xC`` for gamma and       |

Even though PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_GAMMA is defined, I think this should say "release
candidate" instead of "gamma".

> +   |                         |  ``0xF`` for final)                            |
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
> +   | :const:`29-32`          |  ``PY_RELEASE_SERIAL``  (the ``3`` in          |
> +   |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
> +   +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+

... and zero in final releases.

> +   thus ``2.1.0a3`` is hexversion ``0x020100a3``

Please capitalize and add a period.


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