[Python-Dev] "Meet the Team" on Python Insider

Doug Hellmann doug.hellmann at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 03:45:36 CEST 2011

I should have made clear that if you have already completed the survey, we still have your data in the queue. The invitation is for anyone who has not yet sent us the info, including new team members.


On Aug 7, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Doug Hellmann wrote:

> [Renewing this request for participation since there are a few new members since the original request went out.]
> We are running a series of interviews with the Python developers on the python-dev blog (http://blog.python.org). There is a short list of questions below this message. If you would like to be included in the series, please reply directly to me with your answers.
> We will be doing one or two posts per week, depending on the number of responses and availability of other information to post. We'll have to wait until we have several responses before we start, so we don't announce a new series and then post two messages before it peters out. Please help us by sending your answers as quickly as you can so we can tell what we'll be dealing with.
> Posts will be published in roughly the order the responses are received, with the text exactly as you send it (unedited, except for formatting it as HTML). If the questions don't apply to you, you can't remember the answer, or don't have an answer, then you can either leave that question blank or interpret it more broadly and give some related information. Blank questions will be omitted from the posts.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> Personal information:
> name
> location (city, country, whatever you want to give--we don't need your mailing address)
> home page or blog url
> Questions:
> 1. How long have you been using Python?
> 2. How long have you been a core committer?
> 3. How did you get started as a core developer? Do you remember your first commit?
> 4. Which parts of Python are you working on now?
> 5. What do you do with Python when you aren't doing core development work? (day job, other projects, etc.)
> 6. What do you do when you aren't programming?

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