[Python-Dev] Should we move to replace re with regex?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Aug 27 21:05:35 CEST 2011

> I disagree.  The first paragraph says this has something to do with new
> keywords.  It doesn't appear to say what we expect users to -do- with
> it.  Both are important.

Well, users can use the new features...

> Is it "You'd better try this, because it's going in eventually.  If you
> don't try it out before it becomes default behavior, you have no right
> to complain"?

No. It's "we have that feature which will be activated in a future
version. If you want to use it today, use the __future__ import. If
you don't want to use it (now or in the future), just don't."

> And if people do complain, what are python-dev's options?

That will depend on the complaint. If it's "I don't like the new
feature", then the obvious response is "don't use it, then".


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