[Python-Dev] Ctypes and the stdlib

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 12:37:23 CEST 2011

On 29 August 2011 10:39, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> In the CPython backend, the header files are normally #included by the
> generated C code, so they are used at C compilation time.
> Cython has its own view on the header files in separate declaration files
> (.pxd). Basically looks like this:
>    # file "mymath.pxd"
>    cdef extern from "aheader.h":
>        double PI
>        double E
>        double abs(double x)
> These declaration files usually only contain the parts of a header file that
> are used in the user code, either manually copied over or extracted by
> scripts (that's what I was referring to in my reply to Terry). The complete
> 'real' content of the header file is then used by the C compiler at C
> compilation time.
> The user code employs a "cimport" statement to import the declarations at
> Cython compilation time, e.g.
>    # file "mymodule.pyx"
>    cimport mymath
>    print mymath.PI + mymath.E
> would result in C code that #includes "aheader.h", adds the C constants "PI"
> and "E", converts the result to a Python float object and prints it out
> using the normal CPython machinery.

One thing that would make it easier for me to understand the role of
Cython in this context would be to see a simple example of the type of
"thin wrapper" we're talking about here. The above code is nearly
this, but the pyx file executes "real code".

For example, how do I simply expose pi and abs from math.h? Based on
the above, I tried a pyx file containing just the code

    cdef extern from "math.h":
        double pi
        double abs(double x)

but the resulting module exported no symbols. What am I doing wrong?
Could you show a working example of writing such a wrapper?

This is probably a bit off-topic, but it seems to me that whenever
Cython comes up in these discussions, the implications of
Cython-as-an-implementation-of-python obscure the idea of simply using
Cython as a means of writing thin library wrappers.

Just to clarify - the above code (if it works) seems to me like a nice
simple means of writing wrappers. Something involving this in a pxd
file, plus a pyx file with a whole load of dummy

    def abs(x):
        return cimported_module.abs(x)

definitions, seems ok, but annoyingly clumsy. (Particularly for big APIs).

I've kept python-dev in this response, on the assumption that others
on the list might be glad of seeing a concrete example of using Cython
to build wrapper code. But anything further should probably be taken


PS This would also probably be a useful addition to the Cython wiki
and/or the manual. I searched both and found very little other than a
page on wrapping C++ classes (which is not very helpful for simple C
global functions and constants).

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