[Python-Dev] Python 3 optimizations continued...

stefan brunthaler stefan at brunthaler.net
Wed Aug 31 19:08:12 CEST 2011

> So, basically, you built a JIT compiler but don't want to call it that,
> right? Just because it compiles byte code to other byte code rather than to
> native CPU instructions does not mean it doesn't compile Just In Time.
For me, a definition of a JIT compiler or any dynamic compilation
subsystem entails that native machine code is generated at run-time.
Furthermore, I am not compiling from bytecode to bytecode, but rather
changing the instruction encoding underneath and use subsequently use
quickening to optimize interpretation. But, OTOH, I am not aware of a
canonical definition of JIT compilation, so it depends ;)

> I agree with the others that it's best to open up your repository for
> everyone who is interested. I can see no reason why you would want to close
> it back down once it's there.
Well, my code has primarily been a vehicle for my research in that
area and thus is not immediately suited to adoption (it does not
adhere to Python C coding standards, contains lots of private comments
about various facts, debugging hints, etc.). The explanation for this
is easy: When I started out on my research it was far from clear that
it would be successful and really that much faster. So, I would like
to clean up the comments and some parts of the code and publish the
code I have without any of the clean-up work for naming conventions,
etc., so that you can all take a look and it is clear what it's all
about. After that we can then have a factual discussion about whether
it fits the bill for you, too, and if so, which changes (naming
conventions, extensive documentation, etc.) are necessary *before* any
adoption is reasonable for you, too.

That seems to be a good way to start off and get results and feedback
quickly, any ideas/complaints/comments/suggestions?

Best regards,

PS: I am using Nick's suggested plan to incorporate my changes
directly to the most recent version, as mine is currently only running
on Python 3.1.

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