[Python-Dev] [PSF-Members] Python Best Again

Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipierro at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 19:45:31 CET 2011

Hello Steve,

congratulations to all of you in the foundation who work hard to make Python the success that it is.


On Dec 7, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

> I've just added a news item to the python.org home page noting that Linux Journal readers have voted Python the Best Programming Language for the third year in a row.
> This is excellent news, though I find it hard to believe that coming up on the outside we see C++. While it demonstrates that Linux Journal readers like object-oriented programming, it shows an uncomfortable tendency towards masochism :) and implies we can't necessarily trust their judgment. ;-)
> Attempted humor aside, here I am taking the opportunity as PSF chairman to say a big "thank you" to all developers and everyone else who helps to keep putting out releases that gain the kind of popularity that this most recent vote indicates. I know we do it to create a great programming environment, not for popularity, but the Foundation's mission involves encouraging the growth of the international Python community. Please pass this on to other members of your developer community who may not receive this message directly.
> Seriously, thanks. Having quality releases of a great language really does make it easier to promote Python!
> regards
> Steve
> -- 
> Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com,  Holden Web, LLC http://holdenweb.com/
> Python classes (and much more) through the web http://oreillyschool.com/
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