[Python-Dev] devguide: Generate patches without code checkout (Was: devguide: Write a guide to committing a patch.)

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Wed Feb 2 20:29:15 CET 2011

Am 02.02.2011 13:50, schrieb anatoly techtonik:

>>> We should add less
>>> hardcore instructions how to use bundled diff.py for creating simple
>>> patches like docstring, comment fixes or generating new testcases.
>>> This will greatly reduce the barrier for starting with development.
>> Given the length of Python's release cycles, diffs against released
>> versions are far too likely to be out of date. We want diffs against
>> the head of the relevant branch.
> I only see that you want the contribution entry barrier to stay at the
> height of core developer.

Because only core developers are allowed to have a checkout of trunk?


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