[Python-Dev] hg extensions (was: Mercurial conversion repositories)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Feb 27 01:06:57 CET 2011

> >> Branch Management
> >>     bookmarks
> >>         http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/BookmarksExtension
> >>         Great for tracking bug fix work without needing to create a
> >> separate working directory
> > Never use them.  Clones are okay.
> Same here but not everyone likes to do that and in the dev guide they
> use an example of working with only 1 working directory so the
> bookmark extension would be useful to people who want to follow that
> method of development

I've just tried bookmarks and I find them very cumbersome compared to
named branches (which, unfortunately, can't remain local). I wonder
what guided their design.

(the core issue being that a bookmark blindly follows every commit you
do, while you would need it to follow upstream instead!)



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