[Python-Dev] Beta version of the new devguide

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon Jan 24 19:43:01 CET 2011

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 07:46, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 17:08:00 -0800
> Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
>> Two, what should the final URL be? Georg picked the current one and I
>> am happy with it.
> Ditto for me.
>> Three, where should it be linked from? docs.python.org homepage?

Either there and/or the www.python.org homepage.

>> Four, what to do with www.python.org/dev/? Redirect for all the pages?
> Right, this whole area (wpo/dev) looks obsolete to me. The devguide
> allows us to easily edit and improve development-related docs, which is
> great! It should be accessible easily from the main site. Perhaps
> "core development" should be renamed "contributing" and redirect to the
> devguide. Also, the submenu displayed below "core development" can be
> trimmed dramatically.

There actually shouldn't be anything at python.org/dev that is useful
which has not been rewritten or linked to from the devguide. So that
whole page can be heavily gutted to the point of probably being
nothing more than a link to the devguide and a link to the PEP 0. But
I will hold off on the gutting until the devguide is "released";
probably end of the week.

> (then there's the question of whether the devguide should be
> exhaustive; should it contain reference-like material about
> all aspects of core development?)

That's where the balancing act comes in. If we get too exhaustive then
we have to constantly update the docs anytime we make a change. If we
leave too loose then someone is going to come along and potentially
waste some time on something because they didn't realize what they
should have been doing.

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