[Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): Stop ignoring Mercurial merge conflits files (#12255).

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Fri Jul 29 16:21:42 CEST 2011

>> People confused by the merge/resolve system could exit their merge tool
>> without actually merging the changes (I know it happened to me!), so
>> these files act as a reminder that not everything is right.
> I don't know, I don't use a merge tool. But presumably the merge tool
> would only call "hg resolve -m" on those files which have actually been
> resolved? (if it calls that command at all)

You have it backwards: it’s hg resolve that runs a merge tool.  (BTW,
how can you not use a merge tool?  Even if you use internal hg tools
like the one that adds merge conflict markers, that’s a merge tool.)

> What use are these backups really? We are using a (D)VCS, you are not
> losing anything.

The .orig files after a revert could contain code that’s not committed
anywhere.  See also RDM’s reply to your message.


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