[Python-Dev] Finding buildbot failures

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Mar 5 19:26:29 CET 2011

On 28/02/2011 21:59, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>>>> That's one of the big advantages that Jenkins (nee Hudson) has over
>>>> buildbot - drilling down into individual test failures through the
>>>> web ui. Your test run needs to generate appropriate xml for that to
>>>> work though.
>>> Buildbot can do this too.  It can even do it without xml, although it
>>> does need *some* parseable format, which I think the Python test suite
>>> is a long way from.
>> That would be a great improvement to the Python buildbot infrastructure.
> So would you be willing to contribute the necessary changes?

To whom was this addressed? If to me I have the desire but lack the 
skill. If Jean-Paul is willing / able to help and is around for the 
pycon sprints then it would be a good opportunity.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Regards,
> Martin


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