[Python-Dev] CPython hg transition complete

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Mar 6 00:37:32 CET 2011

>    Another possibility is to set Visual Studio project files to CRLF
> but this is less compatible with how svn has been used. The advantage
> to explicit CRLF is that if you clone onto a Unix system and then
> share that disk with Windows or create an archive that is expanded on
> Windows (in binary mode) then you have the expected line ends.
> Similarly for sharing from Windows to Unix where the main problem is
> that bash can be upset by CRLF line ends since it assumes that the CR
> is part of the line and if the line ends with a file name (like "cat
> .profile\r") will treat the CR as part of the file name.

I recall that there were problems with subversion when we didn't use
native (but I think we used binary before that, and never tried CRLF).
It may be that the problems don't exist anymore, so I recommend that
we try fresh with CRLF, and reconsider if something actually breaks.

What is the recommended merge flow if I want to make this change to
all branches?


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