[Python-Dev] small commit emails nit

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Mar 6 18:38:29 CET 2011

On Mar 06, 2011, at 08:17 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:

>I wonder if we couldn't kill the "cpython" repo name in the commit
>mails. I find it wastes space for the commit message in the subject
>line, and it's pretty obvious it's the cpython repo from the branch

I agree that the commit message Subject: lines consume a lot of horizontal
space before they get to the meat of the matter.  E.g.

[Python-checkins] cpython (2.7): blah

Removing 'cpython' doesn't lose much information since I suspect that repo
will be the most common one.  We could also shorten the Subject prefix that
Mailman adds, or remove it entirely.  I'm not so much in favor of total
removal, but [PyCommit] or [PyHG] or some other suggestion might work.

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