[Python-Dev] Builtin open() too slow

Eugene Toder eltoder at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 17:03:43 CET 2011


What OS and what file system you are using? Many file systems (e,g.
ext2/3fs) handle large directories very poorly.
A quick way to check if this has anything to do with Python is writing
a small C program that opens these files and time it.


On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Lukas Lueg <lukas.lueg at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i've a storage engine that stores a lot of files (e.g. > 10.000) in
> one path. Running the code under cProfile, I found that with a total
> CPU-time of 1,118 seconds, 121 seconds are spent in 27.013 calls to
> open(). The number of calls is not the problem; however I find it
> *very* discomforting that Python spends about 2 minutes out of 18
> minutes of cpu time just to get a file-handle after which it can spend
> some other time to read from them.
> May this be a problem with the way Python 2.7 gets filehandles from
> the OS or is it a problem with large directories itself?
> Best regards
> Lukas
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