[Python-Dev] Avoiding whitespace conflicts (was: I am now lost - committed, pulled, merged, what is "collapse"?)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 20 19:05:37 CET 2011

    Ben> Ned Deily <nad at acm.org> writes:
    >> As a side note, if you are prone to accidentally adding extra
    >> whitespace (like I am), you can add the whitespace check hook into
    >> your local copy of Mercurial so that you will be warned about
    >> whitespace problems immediately when you commit things to your local
    >> repos rather than later when you try to push them up to the
    >> python.org repo.

    Ben> Even earlier that the attempt to commit, one can configure the text
    Ben> editor to show whitespace in order to be aware of it at the point
    Ben> where it's easiest to change:


I wasn't aware that TABs were verboten in .rst files.  If svn was configured
to reject TABs I simply never stumbled on it with my edits.  I did some
searching but found nothing in the dev guide to suggest there were any
restrictions on the whitespace in .rst files.  Now that I know, it's not
difficult to avoid.


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