[Python-Dev] I am now lost - committed, pulled, merged, what is "collapse"?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Mar 21 16:25:31 CET 2011

On Mar 21, 2011, at 06:14 AM, skip at pobox.com wrote:

>It, however requires every developer to become facile, if not expert, with
>the ins and outs of the Python/Mercurial workflow.  This discourages casual
>or intermittent contributions.  My main contribution to the Python codebase
>over the past couple years has been to intercept trivial "bug reports" sent
>to the webmaster address calling out typos in the documentation or the
>website.  Handling such reports was trivial with Subversion.  Update, edit,
>check in.  That is no longer the case with Mercurial.  (And for the website
>will no longer be the case in the fairly near future if I understand
>I believe it runs counter to the professed intention of the switch away from
>a centralized version control system, to make it easier for more people to
>contribute to Python.  It certainly seems harder for this old dog.

Does Mercurial have a way of acting like a centralized vcs to the end user,
the way Bazaar does?  IOW, if Skip or others were more comfortable with a
centralized workflow (which is entirely valid imo), can they set up their
local workspace to enable that mode of operation?

If so, the devguide could describe that as a transitional step from the old
svn way of doing things.

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