[Python-Dev] I am now lost - committed, pulled, merged, what is "collapse"?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Mar 21 18:53:51 CET 2011

On Mar 21, 2011, at 01:19 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

>So you are worried about the small window between me doing an 'svn up',
>seeing no changes, and doing an 'svn ci'?  I suppose that is a legitimate
>concern, but considering the fact that if the same thing happens in hg,
>the only difference is that I know about it and have to do more work[*],
>I don't think it really changes anything.  Well, it means that if your
>culture uses the "always test" workflow you can't be *perfect* about it
>if you use svn[**], which I must suppose has been your (and Stephen's)
>point from the beginning.
>[*] that is, I'm *not* going to rerun the test suite even if I have to
>pull/up/merge, unless there are conflicts.

I think if we really want full testing of all changesets landing on
hg.python.org/cpython we're going to need a submit robot like PQM or Tarmac,
although the latter is probably too tightly wedded to the Launchpad API, and I
don't know if the former supports Mercurial.

With the benefits such robots bring, it's also important to understand the
downsides.  There are more moving parts to maintain, and because landings are
serialized, long test suites can sometimes cause significant backlogs.  Other
than during the Pycon sprints, the backlog probably wouldn't be that big.

Another complication we'd have is running the test suite cross-platform, but I
suspect that almost nobody does that today anyway.  So the buildbot farm would
still be important.

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