[Python-Dev] crosses branches?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Tue Mar 22 22:53:49 CET 2011

    Sjoerd> Perhaps looking at the glog output will shed some light.  If you
    Sjoerd> don't have it yet, enable the graphlog extension, after which
    Sjoerd> you can use hg glog to look at your clone.  Look in particular
    Sjoerd> at the changeset which is marked with an @ sign instead of an o.
    Sjoerd> That (or those if you're in the middle of a merge) is the
    Sjoerd> "parent" of your working set.

    | | | | | | @  changeset:   68309:c3caaf979b9e
    | | | | | |/   branch:      2.5
    | | | | | |    parent:      68263:7790ad8332ba
    | | | | | |    user:        Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com>
    | | | | | |    date:        Sun Mar 06 21:31:25 2011 -0600
    | | | | | |    summary:     manually expand the defunct HeadURL subversion keyword

I see no other "parent"s.  I have to admit I don't know how to read this
output or what I should look for in the way of conflicts.  Also, it produced
20+MB of output, so I can't just paste it into this message and ask anyone
to read the tea leaves.

Oh, wait a minute.  It looks like Martin relented on his desire not to
modify the 2.5 Mercurial repo:

    | | | | o  changeset:   68802:f9763c363cc3
    | | | | |  branch:      2.5
    | | | | |  parent:      68696:cc959f114739
    | | | | |  user:        Martin v. LÅ¡wis <martin at v.loewis.de>
    | | | | |  date:        Mon Mar 21 10:30:07 2011 +0100
    | | | | |  summary:     Set subversion version identification to empty strings if this is not a subversion

I think that would make my local change unnecessary.  So, my next project is
to try and figure out how to undo my change.  This seemed to work:

    hg revert -r 68263 Python/sysmodule.c

Was that the right thing to do?


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