[Python-Dev] Trimming the fat from "make quicktest" (was Re: I am now lost - committed, pulled, merged, what is "collapse"?)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Mar 23 14:53:37 CET 2011

On Mar 23, 2011, at 02:31 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>Does anyone use "make quicktest" for something useful?

Not currently.  Can it be made useful?  Should it be removed?

>There is a reason the regression test suite has many tests...
>"Blacklisting" some of them sounds like a bad thing to do.

If 'make quicktest' were actually quick - say could run in 1/10 the current
time, it could be used as a smoke test for merge-dance cases.  OTOH, running
some localized test for the feature or bug you're trying to land might be

In any case 'make quicktest' isn't really being honest with us <wink>.  We
should fix it or remove it.

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