[Python-Dev] Trimming the fat from "make quicktest" (was Re: I am now lost - committed, pulled, merged, what is "collapse"?)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 23 17:52:41 CET 2011

    Barry> Not if you keep in mind the appropriate use case for each of the
    Barry> separate make test targets.

Programmers are lazy.  They will often take the shortest path.  Fix a small
bug in module X which seems innocent enough, fail to recognize that it
breaks module Y.  Run "make smoketest" and see that all the test_X stuff
passes.  Don't notice that key test_Y tests are not even run, push, then
head out to lunch.  Come back to (hopefully) a bunch of red buildbots.
Still, it would have been good to catch that problem before heading out to
Buffalo Wild Wings to watch football players trip over sprinkler heads.

How many of us really and truly can't wait a few minutes for the test suite
to complete?  Especially once Antoine (or whoever) gets -j working properly.
There are plenty of things we can do:

    * Hang out on IRC
    * Update your Facebook status
    * Grab a cup of coffee
    * Read python-dev
    * Try out a few new bass lines you heard on Pinetop Perkins' last album
      (may he RIP).


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