[Python-Dev] Python Core Mentorship program

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Mar 25 21:57:41 CET 2011

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com writes:

> On 12:03 pm, jnoller at gmail.com wrote:
> >The new list will also have a closed, members-only archive. After
> >consulting with other core developers, we believe it's easier to ask
> >questions when you don't have to worry about Google picking up your
> >words from a public archive.
> Boggle.

Indeed, I share this sentiment.

If you don't want a specific party snooping the site, just block that
specific party. Why make a walled garden that *nobody* outside can look
into? That undermines the free exchange of information.

Surely a forum specifically for mentorship will be more useful if
outsiders can be directed to existing discussions, without needing to
join the private club.

 \        “Odious ideas are not entitled to hide from criticism behind |
  `\          the human shield of their believers' feelings.” —Richard |
_o__)                                                         Stallman |
Ben Finney

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