[Python-Dev] Python 2.7 on Irix 6.5.22 fails ctypes callback test

David E. Cross crossd at cs.rpi.edu
Mon Mar 28 01:07:08 CEST 2011

Trying to compile and install Python 2.7 on irix 6.5.22 IP22 (N32 ABI 
model), Using gcc-4.5.1 and binutils 2.20.1.  Everything goes well (I 
applied th patches listed at: 
http://bugs.python.org/file15915/python-2.7-irix.patch )

It compiles and the test mostly work except for the callback ctypes 
(libffi) test where it segfaults on a pyDECREFF.  Digging in, the O_get 
call is returning a NULL pointer (and pyDECREF is understandably choking 
on that).

Since I am very new to python, I am at a bit of a loss to tracing the C 
code back through this particulat section of code to see why the PyOBJECT 
isn't being assigned here.  Any help would be welomed.

David E. Cross

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