[Python-Dev] .hgignore including site-packages and scripts directories?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Mar 30 02:11:45 CEST 2011

I'm wondering if it is a reasonable idea to have .hgignore exclude all 
files from 'Lib/site-packages' and 'Scripts'?  As I install packages 
into my source builds, a 'hg status' lists *many* files in both those 
directories forcing me to scroll up a number of pages to see files which 
have actually changed.

IIUC, listing a directory in .hgignore doesn't preclude files from that 
directory being added to hg, and doesn't prevent files in those 
directories already under hg from being detected as changed.  The only 
downside I can see if that if new files are added to those directories 
which should be added to hg, a simple "hg st" will not show it - someone 
must remember and explicitly add it.  However, ISTM those files are 
already likely to be missed given the large amount of noise 'hg st' 
shows in that directory - the files are likely to be in the middle of a 
very long list which my brain will be trained to habitually skip over. 
The number of new files which legitimately need to be added to those 
directories seem so small that this risk seems worthwhile.

Any thoughts?


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