[Python-Dev] Why does _PyUnicode_FromId return a new reference?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Nov 6 17:40:25 CET 2011

Le 06/11/2011 08:08, "Martin v. Löwis" a écrit :
> Am 05.11.2011 23:26, schrieb Antoine Pitrou:
>> Given it returns an eternal object, and it's almost always used
>> temporarily (for attribute lookup, string joining, etc.), it would seem
>> more practical for it to return a borrowed reference.
> For purity reasons: all PyUnicode_From* functions return new references
> (most of them return actually new objects most of the time); having
> PyUnicode_FromId return a borrowed reference would break uniformity.
> I personally it difficult to remember which functions return borrowed
> references, and wish there were fewer of them in the API

I agree with this general sentiment. For PyUnicode_FromId, though, I 
think it makes sense to return a borrowed reference.



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