[Python-Dev] PyPy 1.7 - widening the sweet spot

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 15:46:41 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> Giampaolo Rodolà, 22.11.2011 10:21:
>> 2011/11/21 Terry Reedy:
>>> I strongly recommend that where it makes a difference, the pypy python3
>>> project target 3.3. In particular, don't reproduce the buggy narrow-build
>>> behavior of 3.2 and before (perhaps pypy avoids this already). Do include
>>> the new unicode capi in cpyext. I anticipate that 3.3 will see more
>>> production use than 3.2
>> Is there a reason in particular?
> Well, Py3 still has a lot to catch up in terms of wide spread distribution
> compared to Py2.x, and new users will usually start using the most up to
> date release, which will soon be 3.3.
> Besides, 3.3 has received various optimisations that make it more suitable
> for production use than 3.2, including the above mentioned Unicode
> optimisations.
> Stefan

PyPy's py3k branch targets Python 3.2 until 3.3 is released and very
likely 3.3 afterwards. Optimizations are irrelevant really in the case
of PyPy.


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