[Python-Dev] Hg tips

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Sep 29 18:20:43 CEST 2011

Am 29.09.2011 12:50, schrieb Victor Stinner:
> Le 29/09/2011 12:34, Xavier Morel a écrit :
>> Generally none. By default, mercurial (and most similar tools) sets up LOCAL, BASE and OTHER. BASE is the...
> Sorry, but I'm unable to remember the meaning of LOCAL, BASE and OTHER. 
> In meld, I have to scroll to the end of the filename so see the filename 
> suffix. Anyway, my real problem was different: hg opened meld with the 3 
> versions, but the BASE was already merged. I mean that hg chose for me 
> what is the right version, without letting me choose myself what is the 
> good version, because if I just close meld, I lose my local changes.
> Because a merge is a new commit, I suppose that I can do something to 
> get my local changes back. But, well, I just prefer the "legacy" (?) 
> merge flavor:
> <<<< local
> ...
> ===
> ...
>  >>> other
> It's easier for my brain because I just have 2 versions of the same 
> code, not 3!

I prefer this as well, since I also find most merge tools unbearable.
(At some point I should probably learn emacs' ediff.)
But in some cases, you really lose information when you don't see the
base version, since in the case of contradicting changes it is very
useful to see where both came from.


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