[Python-Dev] PEP 418 is too divisive and confusing and should be postponed

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 12:34:27 CEST 2012

2012/4/5 PJ Eby <pje at telecommunity.com>:
>> More details why it's hard to define such function and why I dropped
>> it from the PEP.
>> If someone wants to propose again such function ("monotonic or
>> fallback to system" clock), two issues should be solved:
>>  - name of the function
>>  - description of the function
> Maybe I missed it, but did anyone ever give a reason why the fallback
> couldn't be to Steven D'Aprano's monotonic wrapper algorithm over the system
> clock?  (Given a suitable minimum delta.)  That function appeared to me to
> provide a sufficiently monotonic clock for timeout purposes, if nothing
> else.

Did you read the following section of the PEP?

Did I miss something? If yes, could you write a patch for the PEP please?


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